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Machinery Operators Training

M1 - M2 - M3 - M4 - M5 - M6

Machinery Operators


NOK 7800,-
There is no VAT on the course.

3 days course

Course start:
08:00 am to approx. 14:30 pm


  • Training materials
  • Certificate / diploma
  • Mentors agreement
  • Basic practice
  • Coffee and hot lunch

Minimum 5 participants.

Module 3.1 is included in the price.
Time for Module 4.1 Practice in a company (Mentors agreement) info on the course

Minimum 32 hours of practice per machine class. M1-2-3-4-5-6 with mentor.

Practical test:
Practical test NOK 1500-, per machine type in addition to course price + certificate of competence NOK 450-,